Blog #28 – Hybrid cooling system for CSP applications
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants use solar irradiation as a heat source, in a Rankine-type cycle, to produce electricity. Locations that provide optimal solar conditions for CSP plants are generally also characterized by low water availability. Minimizing water...
Blog #27 – Cleaning robots successfully tested on Linear Fresnel collectors
Mirror cleaning is a major operations and maintenance (O&M) activity in CSP power plants and their optimization is key in reducing the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of such systems. This optimization refers to labor as well as water consumption, especially in...
Blog #26 – ENEXIO presents innovative cooling technology at North Africa Renewable Energy Summit in Casablanca
People who have to survive years of drought would certainly appreciate some of the rainfall that other regions of the world receive or in general to have more water resources available. That’s why ENEXIO and 12 further organizations are partnering within...