Blog #15 The MinWaterCSP coordination team visits the IRESEN Demonstration site in Morocco where the deluge cooling fouling test rig has been installed
Technology background The hybrid dephlegmator technology for air-cooled condensers, incorporating deluge cooling, is developed during the MinWaterCSP project. Air-cooled condensers are part of the steam cycle of a CSP plant and the purpose of added deluge cooling in...
Blog #14 – Noise reduction strategies to the design of a new-generation of axial fan for air-cooled condensers, by UROME
Large diameter axial flow fans find application in forced or induced draft air-cooled condensers such as those used in CSP plants. These are large fans (external diameter 7m-10m) that are requested to process high flow rates operating at low pressure rise, and are...
Blog #13 – Online survey for CSP Plant operators and owners linked to water management
“Water usage requirements for CSP plants ” – a joint survey from the H2020 projects WASCOP and MinWaterCSP. As part of our ongoing projects WASCOP and MinWaterCSP concerning water savings for CSP plants we would like to invite CSP plant operators and...
Blog #12 – MinWaterCSP project results for business opportunities – Methodology on exploitation by partner Steinbeis 2i GmbH
The MinWaterCSP project has the ambition to ensure that project results are developed in a way that their use beyond the project is maximized. Project results shall be of benefit, create business opportunities for the project partners and make it to the market. For...