Article: Water Management Program on best concept and design for sustainable water utilization – study tours to collect input and to exchange with partners
WATERLEAU 's & Fraunhofer ISE's main task within the MinWaterCSP project is to elaborate a water management program and suggest the best concepts and designs for the sustainable water utilization within CSP projects (WP6), that would allow all partners in the...
Article: Dos proyectos para reducir el uso del agua en la termosolar, ejemplos en la COP22
A MinWaterCSP article has been published on the online platform Protermo Solar - Asociación Española de la Industria Solar Termoeléctrica, edition No. 12 / 2016 referring to the COP 22 conference. MinWaterCSP Partner Javier Garcia from ECILIMP contributed to this...
Blog #8 – CSP plant stakeholders meet MinWaterCSP & WASCOP to minimize the water consumption in CSP plants at a joint workshop
On 29th November 2016, MinWaterCSP and WASCOP collaborated to organise a joint workshop for plant operators, plant owners and service providers. The one-day workshop was held at the Plataforma solar de Almeria (PSA) in Spain. The PSA, a dependency of the Centro de...
Blog #7 – DG Research and Innovation showcased at COP 22 the contribution of research and innovation on climate-related challenges; IRESEN represented MinWaterCSP
DG Research and Innovation, as a member of the European Commission's negotiating task force led by DG CLIMA, showcased at COP 22 the contribution of research and innovation on climate-related challenges. Several side events were organised in the European Union...
Blog #6 – New Cleaning Technologies improved!
ECILIMP is developing new cleaning technics and new hardware to reduce the actual water consumption in CSP plants. These improvements will allow ECILIMP to play better services and make so much more competitive inside the CSP market. Inside the MinWaterCSP project,...
Blog #5 – Fresnel solar collectors’ cleaning for maximum efficiency
Linear Fresnel collectors are used in a variety of solar thermal applications The easiness of installation on rooftops and their compact footprint, smaller than other solar concentrating technologies make them an ideal solution for few MW-scale electricity generation...
Blog #4 – MinWaterCSP presented in Horizon Magazine
The EU Research & Innovation Magazine "Horizon Magazine" has publised an article on three funded projects under H2020: MinWaterCSP, WASCOP and REELCOOP. This article features the activities of these projects. "Quenching the thirst of concentrated solar power"...
Blog #3 – Full scale test facility on the premises of Stellenbosch University in South Africa
A significant part of the MinWaterCSP project will be the building of a full scale test facility on the premises of Stellenbosch University in South Africa. The requirement for a large scale test facility is two-folded. First of all it stems from the need to be able...
Article: MinWaterCSP published in “Transform: Stellenbosch University Research 2015”
A MinWaterCSP article has been published in the Annual Book of Stellenbosch University showcasing Research Excellence at Stellenbosch University (page 74). The overview has been given by Johan van der Spuy from the University of Stellenbosch. Link to Transform:...
Blog #2 – The EU project MinWaterCSP – project meeting in Freiburg, Germany
MinWaterCSP is a research and development project which aims at reducing water consumption and improving cycle efficiencies of Concentrated Solar Power plants. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme...